Chapeau! The AI Agency

It’s for others… and for each other

Communication Services
Chapeau! is a design agency with three unified disciplines: experience design, data design, AI design. They grow businesses with the fundamental belief that you (the client) matters. We created a brand to showcase this care and consideration to their clients and plays with the metaphoric hat.
Business cards
Using our alphabet, the logo dramatizes the tipping hats between the characters. The “P” is the centre focus, and all the other letters forms are invited to participate.
Various sales collateral
Sample white paper home page
Team page
To compliment the wordmark, we created a custom font with varying x-heights that ascends and descends between letters. A clockwise rotating animation was also used to denote the Chapeau! gesture.
Chapeau! logo


Art Director
Edward Phung
Creative Director
Peter Deak